Sunday, May 30, 2010

R.I.P. Dennis Hopper

Movie-legend Dennis Hopper passed away last night at the age of 74. Most famous for his roles in "Apocalypse Now", "Blue Velvet" and "Easy Rider" (to which he also wrote the script, and received an Oscar-nomination for). Perhaps not one of the greater actors for my generation, as he starred in less than brilliant movies towards the end. But he will always be greatly remembered for his participations in some of the movie-history's timeless classics.

If I have to pick out a favorite scene of Hopper's it would have to be the "Pabst Blue Ribbon" from David Lynch's "Blue Velvet". Not because it is the most brilliant or spectacular, but it is energy and humor boiled down into 8 exploding seconds. Plus, it has some special meaning for me a a couple of friends. If one takes in the whole meaning of Pabst Blue Ribbon for the average American "Joe", it gets even more special. Sweden has never, seen the presence of this beer, although we our own somewhat equivalents of it (perhaps why it has never made it here). I think it is about time for some brewery to import now. If not for the flavor, then at least as a salute to Dennis Hopper!

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